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We are so much lost

We are so much lost in ‘search of the one’ that we often fail to see

that We always have this opportunity to ‘create the one’.


We all spend our lives in search of the one, with most of us ending up nowhere but lost in a never-ending search of that one.


But what about them who manage to find someone?
They spend most of their life in fear. Fear that what if they lose that someone? What if they never happen to find someone again like that one. And thus continuing the cycle again.


But what we fail to see here is that we always have this opportunity to create ourselves like the one we are in search of, to be the one we are looking for.


Doing this, we not only help ourselves from getting over this fear but also we help a random stranger, as they find ‘the one they were looking for’ in us.


Be the one you are looking for.

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