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Crispy Chicken Adobo Flakes is a version of Filipino Crispy Chicken Adobo Flakes food. Adobo is considered as the signature special dish of the Philippines.



• 1 kilo fresh chicken (breast part, skinless)
• ½ cup vinegar (125ml)
• 50 ml soy sauce
• 1 head garlic, minced
• 1 tbsp salt
• 1-2 tbsp brown sugar
• 2 pcs bay leaves
• 1 tsp crushed peppercorns
• 1 cup water (250ml)
• Oil for frying
• Optional Garnish:
• 4 garlic cloves, toasted and minced (garnish)
• 2 pc Siling labuyo (if you like spicy)




Step • 1. In a caserole, put all the ingredients,except for the oil, into a high temperature heat and when it is already boiling, lower down the heat and continue boiling up to 20-40 mins.
Step • 2. After the boiling was done, seperate the chicken and reserve the soup.
Step • 3. Heat the pan and put some oil, fry the chicken until it was crispy.
Step • 4. Back to the soup again, boil it until it was curdle and add bit of sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Then set aside.
Step • 5. Shred the chicken and put some sauce, let the sauce get into the chicken, leave for 30mins to 1hr.
Step • 6. Fry the chicken until it was crispy.
Step • 7. Add some crunchy garlic and siling labuyo. (Optional)
Step • 8. Serve and enjoy!

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