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Daily routine is important to be more productive and not be bored in this day and age.

Worried because you see the same things in your house? Irritable because you feel trapped in your home? Losing hope because you don’t know how long this crisis will last? If you feel this way, you may be experiencing cabin fever.


If you feel this way, you may be experiencing cabin fever. This is our body’s reaction towards isolation or being in a place for a long period of time. Now that our Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) has been extended for two weeks, how are you? Are you still clinging? Here are some simple ways to overcome cabin fever.



Do you know why your energy drops immediately at the beginning of the day? Because you let yourself roll around in bed. As soon as you open your eyes, you will immediately grab the phone, and you will be surprised how many hours you have been scrolling the newsfeed. You’re still in bed, your mind isn’t ready yet, you immediately absorb all the negativity from social media.

So before you check your FB, get up first and meditate or have quiet time. You can pray, you can say what you are grateful for, you can read God’s Word. Feed your soul first before you dive into your newsfeed. Encourage yourself first thing in the morning before you go out into the world. If you do this, you would find yourself having a better outlook on life and with this crisis.



If before your default mode was work, now find time to have a hobby. It will break the monotony of your “as usual” quarantine day. It’s really sad if you see the same thing and do the same thing. So, find something that would excite you. Go online and learn something new. Now that we have too much time on our hands, now is the right opportunity to pursue the thing that you have been putting off for the longest time.



Although it is important that you find something that would break the monotony of your day, it is still better that you give your day a structure. Make a routine and do your best to follow it. A routine is like a map or a guide on how you want your day to turn out. As you follow it, you will have a sense of organization and accomplishment, and the important thing is that you can have the feeling that your day has direction. Even if we are living in uncertain times, it is always better that we train our minds to seek direction. Direction points us to our purpose, and if we are living according to our purpose, we can overcome this crisis. We have a reason to cling to the Lord and continue the fight of life.



◉How do you feel now that the ECQ is extended?

◉What does your day look like? what are you doing

◉How do you fight boredom or cabin fever?


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